Can you spot the EPIC FAIL?

x2 :thumbup

so how is it an EPIC FAIL then?

I’m terribly sorry for my exaggeration of the fail level.

You’re an epic fail.


i’m not a fan of rotas but putting rotas on a car doesnt make it an epic fail lol

Chuck got owned and is trying to take back everything he said.

y’all remember this gem? :lmao :lmao

atleast i knew what he was getting at

also not there isnt a huge selection of car wheels in a 6 lug pattern. mostly stupid chrome truck wheels.

i think 17 yr old redheaded kids shouldnt have the right to have an opinion. if you cant VOTE, youre voice isnt heard, and your opinion doesnt matter.

oh yeah and HRE’s break and they are like 1000+ per wheel… 0o0o0o0o0o0 get over it.

Nah, my problem was they rounded DOWN on our hub size when we ordered.

E36 M3 hub diameter/what was ordered: 72.56mm

Hub diameter of most any aftermarket wheels for E36 M3: 72.6mm

What they sent me: 72.5mm

I was referencing other wheels, for example:

Cheap wheels FTL.

Good thing I’m not 17 :thumbup

yea haha so true

LOL yea i do

just read my plate frame, enough said.

i don’t hate wheels because they are cheap, there are plenty of good cheap wheels out there, and yea rotas are good 95% of the time. i hate rota’s and other similar wheel companies because they don’t have an ounce of original thought in there head. all they do is see what the newest trend in wheels is and then replicate it. in the u.s.a. where nobody cares and people will by trash replicas because they are cheaper all day long, its perfect buisness. but the people that buy them always will know there wheels aren’t as good of quality as the real ones, no matter how much they want to act like they are. oh and there are plenty of cheap wheel companies that have original ideas and don’t just copy wheel companies. just like the new wheels my sister is getting.

your a huge car fag, don’t deny it. but that has nothing to do with wheels, caring what wheels are on a car makes you a wheel whore, not a car fag.

actually even the 4x100 slipstreams require tuner style lugnuts, so he can bitch all he wants.

this whole threads a fail…:retardclap

Your life is a Fail. Your mothers attempt of swallowing was a fail. Her falling down the stairs and nothing happening but a retard coming out was a double FAIL.

:rofl :rofl +rep if I can