Can you turn off the ability to double click pad on laptop?

Guess its my hands being dry or whatever, but I’m CONSTANTLY double clicking shit by mistake. Can you turn off the feature that lets you touch the mousepad or whatever on a laptop twice fast to double click? I’ve even turned the speed required up to the max, barely helped.

I have the icon for the mousepad on my task bar, right click, and uncheck “tap to click.”

Control Panel>Mouse One of the tabs on top of mouse properties should say something about the pad. Mine is a Lenovo and it says UltraNav. This brings me to a screen that says touch pad. There’s a little box that says settings next to touch pad. Click this, it will bring you to another menu. Select tapping and disable it.

Thanks, can’t find it though. Got to the point where I found the mouse settings, that’s it.

post up a screen shot

Try that tab furthest to the right. ELAN or whatever. Just look for something along the line of touch pad and a little button that says settings.

Can’t find anything

what brand of computer is it

ASUS, brand new

check and see if you have an icon at the right of your start bar for Synaptics… if you do you can right click on it and disable it. If not, download this, restart, etc. Then see if you have the icon. You should, then you should be able to disable the tap function.

Can I get a screen shot of the icon good sir?

I don’t have a screen shot, but it should also add a new tab to your “mouse” on the control panel called “advanced options” and you can disable it there as well.


Yeah, I can’t find the feature either and it’s one of the few things on my Lenovo that piss me off.

My hands are too big and goofy, so they hover over the pad and randomly click on things to infuriate me.

Ok, do I need the 32 or 64 bit version?

How can you poke fun at somebody for something like, oh I don’t know, their automotive preference, yet you can’t figure out what bit your OS is.

Control Panel –> System

I openly admit that I know NOTHING about computers…

32 bit probably, but check system


Download Synaptics, then go to the tab on the right after installing, click on settings, and disable tapping.