Cursor jumping back while typing?

I’m not blaming him, but ever since Lski had me install the synaptic driver in an attempt to disable the ability to double click the touch pad, my cursor frequently jumps back in my paragraph while typing, causing me to add random words in the middle of shit that I’ve already wrote. HIGHLY irritating. I uninstalled the synaptic driver, and the problem is still there. Any suggestions before I reload windows?!:frowning:

you have vista?
mine does it… well did. W7 ftw!

On Vista

ya. mine used to do it alot. esp on here… rspeed and nico it didnt do it as much. i honestly dont know what it is, but it seems to be a common problem on vista

Mine does it on this computer too. So retarded. I don’t think its that driver since this computer couldn’t install it.

Mine does it on windows 7. PIA. IDK what driver it is because i have tons of drivers since its a tablet.

andddd problem solved. for me at least. let me know if it works for you guys

Sweet. Mine does the same thing. Im also using Vista if anyone is counting.

Installed and will let you know!

windows phail

Move your fat fucking hands off the touch pad while typing! :rofl

Yeah I always figured that was my fault…didn’t know there was a utility to help that, cool.

Pretty much. It’s a user error not OS/Driver error. Your hand just lightly skims the pad, causing it to happen. Happens to me every now and then.

Good job LKsi on the utility post.

Edit: Was this my first PJB-like post?

cool it works

I’ve got smaller hands than ANY man that I’ve ever met:(

So the app works… too well, lol. Forgot I installed it and went to play Counterstrike and was getting pissed wondering why I couldnt shoot when I was moviing… :facepalm