canada is pathetic


so me and 2 friends go up to canada tonight just to walk around and his gf wanted to take pictures we had like a total of $10 bucks between the 3 of us… so we walk across and we get to the boarder. the lady asks us for our ids and then asks us how much money we had we go about $10 between the 3 of us she goes ok u cant come in u have to walk back to the us. u have to have at least $20 per person to come into canada i didnt evan waste my time asking why she was a bitch… wtf is going on


  1. its Border
  2. 10 bucks, fucking poor assholes
  3. EVEN
  4. learn fucking english
  5. I feel for you… you shouldn’t have to pay to come into canada, if you were sightseeing. They do have to protect what they have and they want you to spend money

Hypocritical I Know