Canadas Worst Driver

Not sure how many of you guys watch this show, but i catch it the odd time,
any favorite moments ect …
I’ll Start

I just Want to hit her in the face with a pipe

wow, make that a lead pipe.

I would.

dumb bitch

i wouldnt even smash that in the face.

omg annoying.

dumb blond

id smash her rear end

LOL you wouldnt be the first one hahahaha

That show is everything I hate about Canada it’s drivers and roads.

The priest getting scared driving 120km/hr on an open airfield freaked me out.

Haha, those were actually pretty funny, and sadly smarter than a lot of shit I’ve read here. Fortunately, due to my recent discovery of the ignore button, I will no longer have to read dumb shit here :slight_smile:


FTW - engineer’s can make me laugh

love this show, the seasons keep getting better and better

makes you wonder just how many more of these types of drivers we share the roads with

This show is pretty funny. It would be fun doing some of the challenges.

I always thought this show was setup…I’m sure there are some bad drivers, but god damn… how the hell did they get there license in the first place!

Last season for example the 17/18 yr old from S.Ontario…the one time i tuned in he was driving the 5spd cavi on the ramp…said he drove 5 spd at home and he was burning the clutch soooo much that it looked like a burnout…how can anyone do that if they drive 5spd at home… the gf doesnt even suck that bad @ 5spd

Must go through like 10 clutches a yr…disgrace to all men

Lol my bro works on the show as editor it’s all real

You serious? I was about to say its probably fake at certain points…

I wouldn’t mind hiting her in the face with my pipe!

I remember this one dumb bitch who was blaming the Honda Accord for being a piece of shit. I believe it was during the manual transmission test where they had to balance the car on top of a see saw platform. That show scares the shit out of me, seriously.

Do you know how close a head on collision is from happening every time you drive on a street with no major division through the center? It takes 2 seconds of not paying attention, especially in a curve. Shudders. We seriously need more strenuous license testing, just no big brother stuff such as data logging people’s driving.

nice tits, a shame her brain wasnt as big, then she might have been a smarter driver lol

LOL i wouldn’t mind doing some of the stuff thier doing seems kinda fun like speeding throught the eye of the needle and the water tank tes is so jks