Canada's Worst Driver - RHD Fairlady Z Tonight

Check out the episode tonight. They bought a TT Fairlady Z from us and it is making its first appearance tonight at 9 on Discovery Channel.


i’ll definitely watch. i love that show


wow poor Z the producer is a dumb idiot

I hope its not a political plot to show how ‘rhd cars are dangerous’ I never wana personally get an rhd car but i know this would be an attack on us auto enthusiasts anyways.

Well… we’ll see…

As always what I’ve been saying is, canada’s drivers = suck, canada’s roads = suck. This show is the reality.

To this day I HATE this one woman who literally almost hit me THREE TIMES, I mean literaly THREE TIMES in a row, at the same place… like how the fuuuckk… do you fuck up that badly THREE TIMES on the highway. GOOD GOD and all that’s holy! How can you be that dumb and not paying attention… pissed me off so much and she ran off first exit she could get AAAND when i got next to her like WTF she stared in front like pretending im not there…

Yeah that’s the garbage that deserves to be on this show.


gonna check this out for sure.

I think that’s exactly what’s going to end up happening… I personally wouldn’t have even thought about selling a RHD car to the show.

I have a bad feeling about it. We’ll see i guess.

Dumbass Wooley is probably going to get his panties up in a bunch about the impracticality he thinks RHD vehicles have…

I don’t think this was such a good idea matty.

I’m gonna try watching this but I’m not sure I’ll be home.

We sold this to them back in the early summer before any negative publicity hit the scene. Sorry boys but we are a business first and foremost and wont discriminate against clients.

They have done a rhd show before (season 3 or 4 I think with an S Cargo) and cam wooley was on record saying that the display showed that rhd had no impact on the situation and that it was all driver fault. If he says that again tonight, that would be fantastic for us, no question!

Keep in mind that we are one of the leading advocates for rhd freedom in Canada. Show or no show, we would not do anything that would appear to hurt our indsutry, otherwise we would cease to exist.

Also keep in mind that this was taped for TV back in July. This was before any CADA or accident BS. What they will saywill remain a mystery for a few more hours. Could be anything.

I wonder where that Z is right now lol. Let’s see how damaged it gets!

Im not sure. We will call them this week to find out what they plan on doing with it.

Here we go haha.
Car looks good. Gotta love our Right Hand Drive Vehicle decal!

I liked that blue… how much did they buy the car for? Just looking at their new camaro scares me lol.

Car is retired after 3 drivers. It was not run’able anymore haha

Mirror, fenders, windshield and roof smashed.

We were asking $12,999 on the car but not sure what they paid for it. Too bad. Its a one owner (in Japan), 38,000 original km car. Turbo spooled very strong and it was in great shape all around (interior, paint, chassis, motor). I personally drove it and it was great.

Hey, it turned out better than I thought haha.

Sooo sad. Poor z. it looked good at the beginning of the show

ya, honestly, i was so skeptical about their intentions, but i’m glad (so far) that nothing has been mentioned about RHD dangerness. although, the shows only half over lol

i didnt see it any youtube stream available or something liket hat online i wana see what happened

You remember that thing called T.V. yeah it was on that thing last night