Canadian Driver - 93 in a 65 near Evan's. Advice/help?

I’m a Canadian driver who got pulled over last night for 93 in a 65 zone in heavy rain near the town of Evans/Angola. Officer claimed he used radar and got two identical readings - one while stationary in the U-Turn and a moving reading while following me, which I believe to be bogus because I had my cruise pegged at a much lower speed the whole time (was driving home from Ohio)

I intend on fighting this ticket. Am I supposed to mail the paperwork to the court with my not-guilty plea within 48 hours? Elsewhere on the paperwork it says to mail it before May 24.

Does anybody know any good NY traffic lawyers they can recommend and whom they’ve personally used?

Thanks in advance!


93 is pretty hard to be wrong about lol. How fast would you say you were going? I personally don’t know a good laywer but I’m sure others on here do.

Welcome to NY.

Chill out guys.

If you want to fight it, sign the back where the plea says “not guilty” and mail it back ASAP.

Were you passing the majority of cars on the road? Be honest.

Even if the radar was off as much as 10mph, which is highly unlikely, that still puts you at 83 in a 65 and 18 mph over. Aka, I doubt you’re getting out of this ticket on the grounds of “I wasn’t speeding, the gun/cop was wrong”.

Evans is pretty good about shit. Plead not guilty and mail it in ASAP. You’ll have to talk to the district attorney and then Probably get some parking tickets. Although almost 30 over is pretty terrible.

That can be played on a bit though.

The charge is 93 in a 65. If it is untrue that he was going exactly 93 mph, he is not guilty…techincally. He may still have been speeding, but he wasn’t going 93mph…That’s how the lawyer will play it at least.

I’m going to guess that saying: “I was only going 93 kph” is not going to help any…

I would imagine that the right lawyer could make all the difference…
iirc, DTKim ran from the police at 100+ and still got to keep his license.

You might want to start by trying to call someone from the courthouse and see what they do about
getting tickets reduced.

yea but 1-800-joes-dad doesn’t work for everyone…

fighting tickets in WNY sucks… there is actual due process in Canada… in my experience in the US it’s just a gong show.

I had a speeding ticket in Evan’s. If i recal it was 53 in a 30. They plea bargain out there, so I got 2 parking tickets and paid $150 i think. Didn’t even make me go to school.

Honestly, I would call the town and see what the fine is for it it an just mail them a check. If its a few hundred, you will spend more time fighting it with lawyer and your own time that what its worth.

this is horrible advice for a ticket that’s almost 30 over and will almost certainly be reduced without argument.

I would agree. Plead not guilty, go down to the court (not dressed like an idiot), and get it reduced. Pay your fine and call it a day.

and don’t do it again.

Here is a random fact I found out today:

There are some places now (Hinsdale for example) that have an ordnance that says the officer must put down the speed you were going if s/he decides to give you a ticket at lower speed then what you were clocked at. If you decide to plead not guilty to the lower ticket that you were given, the trial you receive will be for the speed you were cocked at instead of what the officer reduced it to.

This is only applicable where the town does not have it’s town justice and reductions are not done for now, but the Judge said that Olean is trying to do something like that as well.

I’m fairly certain points from Ontario carry over to ny state.
Not sure if the point will follow you north tho.

Mail the ticket in, plea not guilty.
This way you are less likely to get the full charge, less
points and prob pay less.
Good luck.

get out your fucking checkbook and good luck

Pm me ill give you the name and number for the best lawyer you can get for Evans, especially for traffic violations