Canadian History X

lol thats my beer fridge keeps that shit mighty cold and it cam with the garage so good stuff … the awesome thing is its an admiral and their hard to find now of days they last forever … good cropping though lol

I think a few of these guys wanna buy your fridge now lol

Lol … don’t think anyone is complaining just getting a laugh out of it… only on son240 will these things bring out the drama queens. Most of us just got a “WTF” moment when they saw the flag then moved on… abit too much estrogen on these forums.

we need more of thiss lol

dude, why don’t you burn that flag? or throw it away, clearly having it in the background of a pic is going to spark something…I understand where your coming from, I know that flag represents evil and just social disorder. Get it taken care of…

and to the moderators…lock this thread up, jokes are over with.

^ it’s painted on for like the 5th time

^^^lol thank you!!!

ok paint over it again just make it bigger and use some brighter colors lol you are white and proud that should not be a crime just like being black and proud or gay and proud is not a crime

being white doesn’t make you a natzi…lmao, unless your white trash of course;)

I didnt check, but where is farmer on this one?

INTERNET: Serious Business

don’t paint over it.

let him have a fridge with a swastika on. its a good laugh if nothing else.

and anyone that gets offended to that should take a serious 5 minute sit down. we’re in the 21st century now.

So old but still makes me chuckle

It would of been better if the swastika was on the hood of his 240sx!!!
License plates read: WAFFENSS

He get’s out of the car head shaved, wearing a bomber jacket, tight jeans, and 32 hole Doc Martens boots with the combat sole with white, yellow or red laces LOL!!!

With a big patch of the logo on his jacket!


You know it’s funny how everyone makes such a big issue of things like this and yet every one loves Mercedes, BMW and VW, if you trace down the roots of those 3 makes you will see that all 3 were developed by Nazis! As a matter of fact Hitlers personal car was a Mercedes Benz! Only Audi wasn’t made by Nazis, A.u.d.i. (Auto Union Deutschland Ingolstadt) came later.
I was on a business trip in Frankfurt and I had an extra day to waste so I did what any car guy would do and went to the automotive museum! It was interesting to see the roots of these car companies and the airplane engines… yes Airplane engines!!! they had built for German aircraft back in the Hitler days of WWII.

Too bad VW didn’t build airplane engines :frowning: the whole war could have been avoided, most would crash before they would reach their target or fail to get off the runway LOL!
VW Sucked, VW sucks and VW always will suck! I fucken hate those cars… \

Fucken biggest shit boxes

in the WOUALD!!!

hugo boss made their uniforms…

onyly racisyt ppl se this a s a symbol of hate i get a good laugh everytime i look at i that someone actually took the time to do it but it is a great beer fridge

lol i have a nazi flag…my grandfather brought it back from the war after he lost his eye and nose…i think if anywhere a garage would be the most appropriate place for it but i just keep it locked up in a chest

lol sick.

Group buy on swastika stickers anyone? LOLOLOLOL!!!

retarded…kids these days.