Cancun Cribs v. My uncle's house

not much lawn to mow huh

wow… hilarious :roll2:

yes you are :slight_smile:

sooo when is the group vacation? :slight_smile:

hope you guys are having fun!

you know he is in the mob right…

^^ he’s dutch.

Not Mafia, for sure.

Looks like a great time, shoot a Corona commercial when you’ve got a minute. :stuck_out_tongue:

That looks great, my gf’s friends parents have a place down there that is supposedly really nice. I can’t imagine its nice like this nice, but still thats awesome. Enjoy!

I am extra pissed we are going to Putin Bay instead of here.

the dutch mob? watch out, they’ll pour concrete blocks onto your wooden shoes lol

nice place x, that shit is ballin

Sweet Place Xander…i think you need to talk your uncle into so high-end contemporary furniture. :wink:


moar pics plz


Dammm Looks pimp :tup: We will start planning the next trip there, the day you get back :tup:


verrrrrrrrrrry nice, i’m jealous!

i dont think you are there. i need a pic of you in a pool setting. besides they dont have the internet in cancun.

o and have fun.

Some more pics.

And off the roof.

I know the plams look a little funny, but they are new, they have to stay tied back for a few weeks.



the garden sorta looks like a pissed off smileyface

where the bitches?!