candy apple red

I got a little project and was wondering what the process and the colors are.

I am looking to use automotive paint. i know you have to paint a base then the candy then clear

thanks for the input

i used candy orange before. first i had to lay 2-3 coats of silver then depending on what shade you want 4-6 coats of transparent tinted candy color than clear. i really dony think it is worth all the exta money and work when you can get a similar color in two stage, also if the candy coats are not perfictly even it will be very noticable

Candy Apple Red?

But seriously, I think you would be better off using a red with a pearl coat. 69camaro is right, ever see a car with shitty tint coats?

i think i am going to use this color here

That’s schmexy. I may be a bit biased, but sunset metallic orange ftw.

It’s not for my car

are you painting a show car or street car

Looks like a very wetsanded/buffed Chysler Inferno Red in those pics.

its not going on a car

i wanted to get this color

Candy apple red goes over a gold base coat. Slowly apply the candy until you get the red to the darkness you like, then clear.

Whats it going on then?

I painted my pine box derby car in boy scouts candy apple red. I used gold as the base coat then candy apple red. It was fucking sweet. :smiley:

a head of a pin

my son’s electric pocket bike

hmmm i mgith still have some left over candy apple red i will have to check and see