Canisius Quad Party Roll Call

good thing byron brown has his cops out making a difference… busting drunk college students clearly takes priority over such things as:

  1. getting drugs off the streets
  2. getting guns off the streets
  3. preventing gang related crime

seriously, i am glad my property tax dollars are being put to good use for the one day a year that canisius college students really let it rip. no really, i think it is super important to have a swat team preventing yuppies in training from sipping on wine coolers and drinking out of kegs.

what a fucking waste of taxpayer dollars. this insults my intelligence. if only mayor brown would react to other serious acts with the same fervor he has reacted to quad party, the city would be a much better place to live.

talk about a gross misallocation of resources.


also, let us not forget that canisius college used to actually pull and entire BEER TRUCK up inside the quad and sponsor an all day drinking event for students. FREE. my, how times have changed.