Canisius Quad Party Roll Call

Great e-mail that got sent out, makes me real hopeful for tomorrow.

Dear Students,

The semester is coming to an end and Spring Fest takes place on Friday. We encourage you to participate fully in the events we have scheduled at KAC and Palisano. We want you to enjoy an end of the year celebration. We do not want to see anyone get hurt and we do not want disruption or damage in the neighborhood.

We are sure you are hearing many rumors regarding what will take place in the neighborhood on Friday. Here are the facts:

  1. Buffalo police traffic officers will be stationed at 9:00 a.m. on Friday at Loring & Humbolt, Hughes & Oakgrove, Hughes & Jefferson, Blaine & Oakgrove, Blaine and Jefferson, and Meech & Hedley. Only resident vehicles will be allowed to pass. Please respect the police as they maintain these “local traffic only” barricades.
  1. Additional police officers will arrive at 10:00 a.m. and will commence foot patrols in the neighborhood. Underage drinkers, students with open containers, and students who appear intoxicated will be stopped by these officers and taken to a police command bus at the rear of the campus. Students will be issued tickets in the command bus and will be given warnings that further inappropriate behavior will result in arrests.
  1. Illegal house parties (excessive numbers of attendees, underage drinkers, and party goers on front lawns and/or in the street) will be shut down.
  1. Lists of students who receive tickets or are arrested will be shared with Public Safety and then with us. Canisius College sanctions will follow.

We have heard from students that many of you believe that Spring Fest this year will be business as usual and that none of the above described actions will occur. This simply is not true. Please do not try to test the system to see if the Buffalo police are serious, just trust us that they are.

Let’s make Spring Fest a day in which we can all be proud to be part of the Canisius Community!


Dr. Ellen O. Conley
Vice President for Student Affairs

Dr. Terri L. Mangione
Dean of Students

There was even mention of this on Shredd and Ragan today

In other news, kegs and eggs at 8 at a buddy’s house near elmwood, then heading over to Hughes, then possibly Hedley.