Canisius Quad Party Roll Call

^ You can’t be serious… do you have any idea what happened @ Tienanmen?

this whole thread… :fail:. Kids.

so party in the mayor’s yard next year?.. i read they had SWAT there … it was going to get that bad huh…

They had SWAT, NYS Troopers, County Sheriff, BPD, Amherst PD, Lancaster PD, Canisius PS and more.

This is why I hate society, once again. Why doesn’t anyone have the balls to stand up and say this was fucking stupid? In that one picture there was at least ten cops standing there chatting it up.

Lets see for that one corner.
Lets say they make only $18 an hour base pay. They get paid overtime right off the bat. Thats $27 an hour each or $270 an hour for that one corner. Not to mention the cost of gas or equipment used. For one eight hour shift that $2160. GAY (Smart Spending yes!)

Plus what is so bad about people getting drunk. If you live around a college campus you should expect this once in a while. Did you not know there is a huge campus near your house? If you move/live by a college expect this shit to happen and take it as it comes.

If you live in next to a farm, should you be able to stop the farmer from spreading fertilizer because you don’t like the smell? No, so shut the fuck up and stop complaining. You choose to live where you live.

I sure hope the cops where cool for the most part though. The only thing that could have made this worse is if some kid got pumped full of lead for having a squirt gun or something. If I were a cop there, I wouldn’t write one ticket. I would stand there and sure everyone is safe, what a novel idea.

They should take some of that manpower up to university heights. Students get attacked up there pretty regularly.

i’m really glad they edited the shit out of my interview…and actually made me look and sound sober…


I received the following text message from a friend of mine who is an EMT at Rural/Metro at around 3:00 yesterday: “wtf I can’t get ONE buffalo cop to show up to a double stabbing on the west side, but no Quad Party today. Blow me Byron!” haha

Link to interview?

Yeah I work at buf general and the one guy that got stabbed came in here, he got it pretty bad.

they only show me for a bit…but i was talking with the reporter for a good chunk of time, they just cut all of the slurring, swearing, and attacking Mr Brown out of the portion they aired.

i just remember staggering back from class, seeing the news lady…saying “WHAT UP CHANNEL 7 NEWS TEAM!” and then that resulted into an invite by the news lady to talk with her…i spoke my mind for a good 10 minutes…then she said “you wanna say all that for the air?” and i was at first thinking of all the family members that might be ashamed of their hammered son on TV, then said “i don’t have anything really prepared to say,” to which she said “just repeat what you just said…say what you feel” and so i did…lol

That was officially the worst quad party ever.

Thats not to say I didn’t make the best out of it . . .

meh for quad party it was kinda weak…but i still had a great time.

highlights for me:

  • 9:30AM, guy at house has breathalizer, i blow a 0.18 BAC…at 9:30AM…that’s a personal best for that hour.

  • Getting extra credit in both classes since i was one of few that attended, and was intoxicated for both.

  • Speaking my mind to the news.

  • Not getting arrested.

  • Going downtown afterwards, and keeping it up til 4AM (8AM friday-4AM saturday = 20 hours of drinking…another personal best).

last year I pulled a 7am-4am.
