Who wants to split a case?
I need 12 takers…We each get a can…of bacon.’s-Celebrity-Canned-Bacon/Detail

I’ll take 1 can.

I’m on the fence of whether or not that is a good idea.

Bacon is wonderful, but canned bacon seems quite odd.

canned bacon? whats next sex in a can? count me in for 1

LOL just the fact that the can in camo makes it all that much more manly…

10 year shelf life? Wonder how it will taste in 2018.

What if you like really crispy bacon?

Am I the only one that thinks this just sounds fucking gross?

ill take a can too, really give me a PM when you want the money

ill buy a can…fuck yeah :tup:

That means there is something very wrong with you. Count me in for a can.


I have a feeling, you’s are goin be making friends with the shitter…

I’ll stick with fresh bacon from a shrink wrapped plastic package.

Although if I ever have to live off my little pantry stockpile I’m going to be kicking myself for not having a couple cans of bacon.

this sounds just awful :barf: