Can't decide between A/V Receivers

B & K Components. Talk to SpenceSpeed.

VERY NICE top shelf stuff. costly, but 5 steps above the mentioned.

What the hell happened to my post?

Anyways, just get one that looks the best to you. Clearly there is no generall consensus on wich one will give you more information. Its mainly based on your prefrences. But theyre both going to sound good enough to you, so pick the one you like…

Id get the onyko, but the h/k i suppose has snazzy blue lights.

him: I’m looking to test drive a civic
you: but have you tested the new M5 yet? you’d love it.

hes not going to get a marantz cheap

and where do u get onkyo is just so-so from?

onkyo is one of the top mid range recievers out there.

Marantz is top of the line and im thinking he isnt looking at that from the models specified.

Best thing to do is listen to them if possible, then decide.

Yes, I appreciate the recommendations on the higher end stuff, but I am not looking to drop a bunch of money on a home theater setup.

I’m sticking to the Onkyo or H/K. Either way, they should be more than enough for my needs.

Unfortunately, this thread has me where I started. A split decision between both. Lol.


in a nutshell:

The Onkyo is “considered” a better product technically as far as features, bells & whistles, and interface. …while having great sound for the price range.

HK is “considered” to have better sound quality and range… but isn’t necesasrily as “cool” or well equiped feature wise.

With that being out there - have you addressed the listening conditions of your room?
Have you considered the acoustic needs of the listening area?
Have you actually designated a listening area & are you choosing your equip based on its needs?

based on your choices above, I’m guessing not. If you’re not going that far overboard with your intended use… then you most likely wont notice “minor” differences in sound quality. Differences in range? Sure.

So - I would pick which one that you would rather use everyday. Or looks better with your current setup. Or costs less… etc

I challenge either of you to tell me the difference between those two receivers by listening to them without knowing which one is which. If I really had free time and means to setup a test I would put money on it, however I am not that motivated.

edit: yes you could tell the difference between a very high end unit and a low end unit, but comparable products I highly doubt it.

dude, there are some audio tests that we’d easily fail. THIS IS NOT ONE OF THEM.

at the low end and mid range the differences are all very obvious… at the high end things can get a little harder.

ok - if you feel that you can determine the difference between these two units, great, I’ll leave it at that purely on lack of caring about the topic. Not on feeling that I’m incorrect in what I said.

No, I have not addressed the acoustics of my room or set it up for sound. I, frankly, am not into it that much to set up my room for sound. It will just have to work into the room as is.

I agree with your points and will just pick the receiver that is the better deal or appeals more to me.

Hell, at this point, I’m wondering if even these two are more than I truly need. I may look at some lower end Onkyo stuff. Possibly, their SR800 HTIB setup or the receiver that comes in that setup with a better set of speakers.

I can tell the difference between my Integra and my Krell, all things being equal.