Can't get WordPress Installed :(


I have hosting through precisioneffect.

Created a new database, created a user for that database.

I downloaded the lastest version of wordpress… modified the config.php file and upped everything to my root directory.

i’m supposed to go to domain/wp-admin/install.php … but when I do, all that shows up is a blank page…

any ideas? I’m stumped and frustrated :uhh:

Double check the config.php file you edited for syntax errors. It’s possible that your host has PHP error reporting turned off, so when a parse error occurs only a blank page is displayed.

Stupid Questions (But need to be asked)

Is it an apache server? Is it running current versions of MySQL and PHP? Does your host support mod rewrite? Do you have the correct location to your database? Sometimes the default value for this is incorrect.

It doesn’t have some lame remove me line in the config does it?

do what was stated
also check the permissions on the install script.
check the htaccess

He figured it out… lets let him explain what he did wrong


did you log out of ftp after making changes

Yeah, I got it up and running.

Shall we say I made a typo in entering the sites DNS?

Anyways, thanks for the help guys… it’s nice to know there are caring nerds out there :tup:

Now to theme/skin this bitch. :lolsign:


It’s not for personal blogging or anything, but for $ making purposes. Nothing exciting :tdown:

a couple of questions

When you uploaded (i am assuming ftp) to your host where you in ascii mode?

Next What are the permissions of the files on the host? Most GUI ftp clients will show this, I prefer Filezilla. All .php files need to be Owner RW, Group and other R

Also I am assuming this webhosts makes error logs accessible
what does it say in there?