website ?

How can i get rid off this off the top of my site?

Warning: I am able to write to the configuration file: /home/autodir/public_html/catalog/includes/configure.php. This is a potential security risk - please set the right user permissions on this file.

I set that file to 444. and 644. and cant get gid of the warning.

Well who owns the file?

It sounds like someone “nice hacked” you. They probably changed that specific file so it is displaying that warning.

I have the files on my server. I just loaded the template, and followed the instructions. but cant get that waring off.

Open configure.php in notepad and search for the text of the error message.

If it’s in there, someone probably added it because they were fucking around and found the security hole on your site. There might even be a comment in the code giving you more information.

Happened at a place I used to work at. We didn’t really have much for web or network admins, so our web security was pretty weak. One day we noticed a strange little symbol appear on the main page. Looked in the code and some nice hacker had explained we had some serious security issues and we should probably address them before someone did something more serious. :lol:

tryed that dont see the warning.

What software program is it?

Such as? I am not sure. I got these templates a while ago and put them on a cd until i got a chance to use them.

Well it appears to be some php app for a catalog? maybe there is documentation?

yeah and it told me to set the catalog to 444, did that and it wont go

No wonder men dont read directions. They dont

any other idear’s?

Fixed. i set the permission to 444 and went to the haeder file and set the warning to false.