Website Bugs & Fixes

If any Members have any issues with the site, please let us know and we will deal with them as they come in. We know there are some minor issues that are still occurring so please be patient with us. We are getting to them. If any of you are PHP wizards, let Ryan (MrRage) know. We have some issues with the code that need fixing and it’s way above our heads. Otherwise please let us know of any issues you have with the Forum. Post all of your issues here and we will respond. thanks.

When I go to I click on the dates thing to get into the forum and I get this.

Invalid Zero, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

  1. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else’s post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
  2. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

So I just go to quicklinks and have no problems after that.

That’s fucked, I will get Ryan to look into this :lol:

Sounds like a lot of us are getting that…

Just Official N-E-C-C Members are getting it for some reason.

Anyone still getting this message?

Grrrrr more crappy updates today

Yup, I’m still getting that message.

On another more serious note, I just had to wipe my pc and start over, and I’m trying a new virus program (new to me anyway), called Avast. It intercepted Trojans while I was trying to log in tonight. One on the main page (with the big NECC graphic), and then on the next one. Not sure if it was a false positive or not, but I’ll take a screenshot if it happens the next time I log in.

It hasn’t happened on any pages since…

Yup, tried it again and got the same messages. Turns out it’s actually 2 warnings from the same page. If I bypass the main entry, and go straight to , I don’t get the messages. But and both give me these warnings.

Here’s a screenshot. Maybe you know something about the web addresses it’s showing?

I had Norton AV on before my reformat, and never got any flags from this site with that.

Weird I use Kaspersky and I have high internet restrictions and never have recieved a virus from here. I also logg in on my work comp which is heavily monitored and restricted and never recieved anything at all.

Ya this is a mojor problem. It’s been fixed.

Yup, seems fixed. I don’t get the trojan warnings anymore. Plus, I didn’t seem to get the error page, so everything seems to be coming up Milhouse…