Cap and Trade

You do realize that I work for a company that does oil and natural gas drilling and coal mining right? Ok. Just checking.

As far as your links (none of the organizations of which I have ever heard of)… I could post up a handful of links saying the holocaust never happened, that the sun revolves around the earth, and that you are not a fucking retard. Doesn’t make it true.

Teh kool-aid you speak of is being served up by your newly elected socalist government as a method to rape you through thinly disguised taxes called “carbon credits”. What do you think will happen when they start taxing businesses based upon the amount of Co2 produced? Companies will leaving this country in droves to escape these unfair taxes and move their operations overseas causing even MORE lost jobs here in the US.

You’re so dense it’s starting to make my head hurt. Ever heard of a speeding ticket? Another horrific, unfair tax, right? Of course not. Drive slow, don’t get a ticket. Drive fast, get ticket. Businesses have the ability to stop polluting so much. If they do so, then they won’t have to worry about paying your EVIL CARBON TAX, correct?

Yeah, that’s just what we need right now…more taxes and less jobs.

Are you really a big fucking retard or do you just play one on teh Internet?

You really think it’s that simplistic, don’t you? Read this post again from page 1. Russell summed it up perfectly. Assuming you can read, of course…

By placing a cap on carbon emissions, and yes carbon emissions are pollution. It forces a capitalist economy to find new ways to make power without having to pay the tax.

For example the introduction of wind power, would create thousands of jobs in manufacturing, installation, as well as raise property values for areas of land suitable for wind farms.

The point is, while I personally don’t like my gas bill going up any more than anyone else, you cannot build a castle without stones. If you want this country to be strong it needs funding, and no politician in the world can create revenue without taxation.

The whole idea of America is a democracy, and it will function just like that. If you believe that the president himself will magically make this bill pass through the house and senate without it being scrutinized by both parties, then your sorely diluted.

If anything this bill is quite “American”, its taxation put in place by representation of duly elected officials. And if the American economy reacts the way it classically has, it will adapt, if coal is not cheap to use anymore, companies will find new ways to make power at reduced cost.

While this bill is radical, its far from “the sky is falling” situation that several people have made it out to be.

slap tarrif on imported oil. Problem solved.

And in case any of you didn’t notice, laws CAN be changed. If this shit doesn’t work out, it can always be reversed.