Cap and Trade

I agree with you 100% on this.

If you want to truley solve the problem and “Save Mother Earth” just kill off the human race entirely since breathing is going to be a pollutant. If not let everyone live their lives and die. Eventually it will all end anyway so when we die does it really matter after that what happens?

Or the government can stop fucking worrying so much, I’m sure this isn’t the first time the earth’s climate has changed and life in general has adapted to the changes. Survival of the fittest. Taxing isn’t going to do shit except make the rich, richer, and the working man more miserable to the point that a war will break out and possibly really fuck shit up.

Then it is funny because as soon as everyone get pissed enough and votes the Dems back out of majority, the republicans will reverse it all and then what, are they going to refund our money? I think not. It was all wasted for nothing.