Cap and Trade

The Libertarian Darkstar is still here. And when the government tries to ram useless shit down out throats, I’m against it.

However, I’m a realist before I’m a Libertarian. You have a credit card, right? You have to make payment on it, right? After you buy a bunch of shit and max out the card, do you whine and cry about how unfair it is that you have to pay off the balance? Of course not. Our country has racked up a huge debt. We have to pay it off. Unfortunately, the only way the government has to make money is through gasp… taxes. The Bush Administration spent money like drunken sailors while cutting taxes. This is where the blame goes. Obama inherited his mess, and because he’s telling you that he’s going to have to raise taxes you’re mad at him and he’s the bad guy.

You guys have the mentality of a 10 year old kid. Our government ran up a huge tab under Bush… the most fiscally irresponsible President in our history, and now Obama is trying to clean it up and you’re acting like he’s the devil personified.

Bush was living on cloud 9. Obama is living in reality. Reality sucks. But place the hate where the hate is due. I’m not an Obama fanboy. You ought to know who I was rooting for, and it was a far cry from Obama. But he’s what we’ve got right now.

Imaginary. Riiiight. How’s the view with your head buried that deep in the sand?

God you really are a dumb motherfucker. The last 8 years the Republicans ran the show. Ran up the debt, nearly collapsed the economy. But when Obama comes in and says “hey, you know all those bills we ran up, well now we kinda sorta have to pay them…” and he’s the bad guy.