Cape Cod adventure!

So Friday morning, bright and early, the best friend and I strike out for Cape Cod. Due to being almost completely r’tarded, we took what we’ll call “the long way” - It took two boys and Google Maps to get two girls pointed back in the right direction. About an hour later…

Yay! So once we got back on the right track, we stopped and had a little snack. That right there is the official donut of the Red Sox people!

Alright, not much of an adventure to being with. Friday was foggy and disgusting. The sky was grey and mean looking and the ocean was the same color. Pretty depressing.

It was so humid there was actually a fine mist in the air, this was not from the rain…

After the let down at the beach, decided to check out this cute little place we saw, they had the best fried clams I’ve had in my life.

Saturday was entirely the opposite from Friday. We decided not to eat at any chains, and I’m glad we did. This place had amazing pancakes. Go figure.

Since it was a beautiful day, and perfect for exploring, we took a ride down the coast to Chatham. I fell in love instantly.

The beach had these two “lakes” for lack of a better word right in the middle of the sand:

Gross. Not going in there. So we took a walk down to the ocean…

…and sand castles appeared via a Dunkin’ Donuts cup.

After lunch and a bit of shopping, we checked out another beach. Go figure.

These really pretty flowers were growing everywhere, and they smelled amazing. Some of them were growing in huge bushes in the middle of the sand, and others were smaller plants here and there…

Hi Mr. Seagull!

Sunday was pretty much a repeat of Saturday. More shopping and lounging at the beach. Didn’t really bother taking any pictures of the same beaches, etc.

Monday on the ride home we drove through an insane hail storm, and then as soon as we got home it started here! Unreal. I won’t bother posting those pictures for obvious reasons.

So that’s it. Vacation is over and it’s back home and back to work. :frowning:

heh, looks like the weather was nice too. i like your dunkin donuts cup sandcastles :slight_smile:

I love cape cod. I used to go every year. The Pancake Man is the shit. Good thinking on staying away from the chains for food, 95% of the little places on the cape are really really good.

I’ll definitely go back, and stay longer next time for sure.
…and go the right way to get there. :facepalm

Hahaha. Where did you stay?

South Yarmouth - it was reccomended to me that I not stray too far down the coast away from the touristy stuff or I would be bored with the New Englandyness of things.
As it turns out it was the exact opposite and I wanted to spend every waking hour on that damn beach in Chatham. :lol

Nice, I have a uncle that live right near there, I got there a couple times a year. I love it

Nicole, is that a good place for people that like seafood? My parents like seafood and I’ve been trying to find a place for them to go to. People said that Maine is also good for that.

Like I said, those clam strips were the best I ever had.
I went to Maryland last year for H2Oi though, and had a crab cake at some random hole in the wall and WOW.
Pretty much, if you’re on the shore, and it’s fresh, you can’t go too wrong.

awesome, thanks :):thumbup

I know where I am venturing to next weekend. haha

Take me too Chris! :smiley:

:rofl at that little like green shack? That place was the TITS!

Yes! That place!
I probably couldn’t find it again if I tried. :frowning:

That’s not Mickey Mouse that’s just TIT DIRT!

Gas or ass? :wink: haha

Yeah we can go halves on gas money. :slight_smile:

That works. The Husqvarna gets great mileage

:rofl @ 4 hour ride on that thing.

Imagine all the orgasms you would have from the vibes on a 4 hour trip…

Dude, I would be so numb from the waist down by that point I wouldn’t know it if I was having one.