capitalcrew's girl car

You are not joking when it comes to me. Be honest here. The wheels were built by RacingHart and designed specifically for this car. I enjoy the way they look. Doesn’t mean there is “something wrong with my brain”


You need these naOw

16" rotas? Gross Vlad. Stop it.

Holy shit those are massive



I can’t handle this SHIT.


Fastbacks ftw. Nice sidewalls on the first pics. Good choice with the M-edition wheels though.
Looks good slammed

How does the trunk open with the fastback attached?

Looks like there’s a section of the back that opens with the trunk. Not sure though.

Badass fastback… plus XXRs. Lolol.


you ever see that episode of southpark with kanye being called a gayfish ? LOL you are kanye right now

I found some towtally cool stuff tonight that I think is going to go great on the car. Waiting on a PM back and I’ll post pictures after I receive them!

Needs moar 13b =D

lol gayfish? haha nope havent seen that

k youtube and watch full episode

were did ya find it at? christmas tree shop ?


i thought i saw ya there, i was actually shopping for the same reason

Of course you were.

I decided to actually go with a lip, then GV lips went on sale and now even more people are going to have them… and I don’t want to have the same miata as everyone else. So I’m going with the bomex front.

to go with these sides (in the mail now).

I think I’ll go with some lame XXRs because they’re cheap for now too, and save up for either work VSKFs or precedo demon cambers. Or if I find a sick deal on something stupid light I’ll pick those up.

Also going to be getting flyin’ miata frame rail reinforcements, getting the HT painted black, and I want to put the early style interior in for a more retro looking interior… I just need to see what has to be done to get there.

Also in the mail… polished vent rings to go with my KG works cluster.