capitalcrew's girl car

Strong work!

Should look awesome on a black car.
DSC_9091 by capitalcrew, on Flickr
DSC_9061 by capitalcrew, on Flickr

Very upset that my iso was set as high as it was, and that I didn’t realize it. Ruined the first picture, the second one sucked already anyways. GOD DAMN IT.

I love the way the car looks. Needs moar LS1 swap though.

also needs moar low.

I really really like these little cars. Very nice.

I already scrape oil pan on some speedbumps. No more low. Thanks guizzz

Love it

Thanks guiz. Had a crazy hail storm today, scared the shit out of me but we made it out without any dents that I could find.
DSC_9138 by capitalcrew, on Flickr
DSC_9131 by capitalcrew, on Flickr
DSC_9127 by capitalcrew, on Flickr

I have my sideskirts and I have tow hooks, and I have chrome vent rings. All need to go on, but I’m feeling lazy. Next purchases include some gauge faces made by a dude on, a vintage style mazda horn button, and whatever else I can afford.

cool story pjb

I have to stay out of this thread its making me want a fucking Miata

Same here, that thing looks good

That’s pretty gay of you both. It’s a chick car.

Just imagine it with proper fitting wheels, black hardtop, and another half in of low.:excited

Thing looks real good!

Too bad Miata is now the trendy car to have. It’s the new VW.

Still <3 mine.

Even though it doesn’t run… :lol Get it going dude!

Yeah, it sucks that they’re so popular now I suppose. Everyone has one and they all look the same. I’m trying to get as much unique stuff as I can on mine. Not a lot of people have the G fusers yet, even though mine aren’t one. Most people go with GV lips now and the bomex is getting pretty rare, I want to swap in an OLD interior into mine and do away with the new one which I don’t think anyone has done with their NB. My KG works cluster is pretty rare, Adam’s rossa gauges aren’t selling for the NB at all so he probably won’t make more than the five sets he has. That horn button is super rare as well, so hopefully I can snag that up.

It’s not really a bad thing that people are into them now. It just makes it a little more challenging to be unique. We’ll see if I can still pull it off.

It runs… just not well.

I’m going to bite the bullet soon and buy the widebody, if for nothing up to cover up the mess that the 1/4 panels are :rofl

thats all cool but no matter what its still a miata…

i wouldnt worry about being as original as you can, i dont think it matters. probably getting popular for a reason… good cars.


I still don’t want my car to look like every other miata out there.

Miatas are popular? I never see any modified miatas, dont see many miatas in general.

They are awesome. Go buy one. I love mine and being a trendy hipster

Vlad get urs on the road or just let me borrow all ur parts