Car accident: Wrong lane

:eyebrow: :bloated: :wtf: :gotme:

Couple weeks ago, i also saw one car in wrong lane, heading east on I-90 West…

I was driving on I-90 East…heading back to Buffalo…



drunk person going the wrong way on genesee thursday night

Lets see, 3:05 am according to the article. 20 years old. Yeah, I’m sure she was sober. Regardless, glad she hit a bus so the only one who died was her.

the way it said she followed the bus’s moves it sounds more like suicide then drunk driving.


the way it said she followed the bus’s moves it sounds more like suicide then drunk driving.


replace train with bus

the people on the bus were going crazzzy

yea, thats no good.

know your roll.

you either gotta zig. or you gotta zag.

^^ and idk if any1 has ever posted this b4. ALWAYS PAY ATTENTION. EVEN AT NIGHT WHEN YOU HTINK YOURE THE ONLY 1 ON THE ROAD!

^^watch through the car whose being pulled over’s windshield. youll notice headlights(at about 16 seconds in) that appear to be on the wrong side of the road(and they are. very tragic)

amazing…simply amazing…

Yep, just last night I was heading south on Delaware at 1:30AM. I was going through delaware park, where north and south are divided by a huge median. I see headlights. :bloated: What the? No. Couldn’t be. Sure enough, and I’ve got no where to go. I jam on the breaks to slow down and minimize the impact just in case he decides to swerve at the last second. Oh shit oh shit oh shit. Thankfully he stayed on the right side of the wrong side of the road so I could slip by him safely. Some drunk tard heading north on the wrong side of the median. Wasn’t going “shit I done fucked up” slow either. Just cruisng down the wrong side of a split highway. Totally oblivious. :ohnoes:


replace train with bus


8 Kudos :lol:

Maybe its a new underground fad? Driving against traffic. It seems like it would be something crazy kids would do since it would provide such a rush.

yea. what you do is get yourself a 40, right. then you get on the freeway(in the wrong lane), turn off your headlights, punch it to 125, let go your steering wheel. wooooo. that shit will BUG you out.


8 Kudos :lol:


that chick was actually from rochester too, she laid down on a train track in churchville :bloated:

hm…another one…pretty sad.


yea. what you do is get yourself a 40, right. then you get on the freeway(in the wrong lane), turn off your headlights, punch it to 125, let go your steering wheel. wooooo. that shit will BUG you out.




yea. what you do is get yourself a 40, right. then you get on the freeway(in the wrong lane), turn off your headlights, punch it to 125, let go your steering wheel. wooooo. that shit will BUG you out.


brb gotta go get a 40 :slight_smile:

Damn…someone grab a sponge…