Car Accident

Turning left onto parsons road from 23rd ave and got nailed on the passenger side rear.

As i was approaching the turn, light was green, pulled in with a car infront of me, car infront of me turned, so im next to go, gotta wait for traffic to clear, light turns amber, still trafic, light turns red i need to get out and clear the intersection, and it was safe, but the honda odessy tried to beat the red light and nailed me, thank god no one was hurt, i had two passangers. One head hurts a little hopefully well look at it. My car spun 180 and i was facing opposite direction of which i was intending to go, ( i was going to a movie at ciniplex odion south common )

Had two witness’s that said was not my fault and the van had plenty of time to stop, police called the witness and she backed me up.

Last picture shows impact from the side that damaaged my driverside aswell, i hope they can fix it :frowning:

Do you figure they will or a write off?|
link on 780

mostly a write off cuz of the year and the black book value on these aren’t much but who knows. find the rite body shop

Damn that sucks! Thankfully no-one was hurt too bad, ur lucky the Odessy didn’t nail u in the door. Looks like you might have have bent the frame a bit. g/l with the insurance/repairs!

if they write it off , than just buy it back, fix it and reinspect it.

Or buy it back and part it :supz:

shitty deal bro,most places i have dealt with will take cash to fix instead of write them off
,i would try that first unless u go through insurance.
good luck and im glad that everone is okay