Car Crash in Cheektowaga

RIP, I remember him from that Dyno day.


hey guys, lets not argue about how fast he was goin and whatnot…it is what it is and we can’t change it.


^ I know werd.

Trees are different, cars are different, who cares.

It always sucks when you know of/know the people killed. Very sorry to hear :frowning:

Well, the only reason I brought it up was because as sad as it is, it’s something poeple should learn from. If no one learns we’re only going to see more threads like this one and no one wants that.

more importantly, why is it that this thread is a somber memorial, yet countless other threads regarding auto accidents are occasions for making fun of the driver/car/by-standers/etc…?

Just because it’s local -or- someone’s friend, no one is allowed to comment? But when there is a trashed Enzo, the thread can go on for pages about the “little blue tarps” and no one minds.

JayS has a perfectly good point, but it’s invalid because it was a local accident. :roll2: Death is death


that sux i also worked with him at campbells he was a cool dude sorry to hear

wasnt trying to sound like i was being a dick, just saying that 100 sounds liek a bit of a stretch

either way its a horrible lossfor friends, family, and just the car comunity as a whole

:tup: to anyone that has had a hard life, but is still more then happy to do favors for anyone that asks, thats shows good character.

:tdown: to the idea of loosing anyone far b4 it was their time to go, doesnt matter if it was because of their own simple mistake (like glancing at the radio at the wrong moment) or some freak accident (like luggage falling from the cargo compartment of a 747 at 30K feet)


It looked like it was a 68 Camaro. In that case, it is not a full frame, but is a sub-frame.

R.I.P. Never knew the guy but he sounds like a strait up dude and will be missed. What a shame.

arent all camaros unibody sub framed, i know my friends 67 is




That sucks. I just heard about it this morning. I worked with him for years when I used to work at Pizza Hut. He was always a good kid and did have things tough sometimes. I also talked to him that very night at Yings. Makes you think about how fragile our own lives are. R.I.P.

this is bad…RIP…


BTW…not really related but…yesterday, coming home from wegmans…i saw this one red car…maybe an old mustang or something (im not sure)…

OK. this dude was driving like mad…at night…WITHOUT headlight turned on… :meh:

whoever he is…i hope he can be more careful next time…

oh, i was driving along this car on maple-sweethome

:tdown: to it all

WOW shit like this sucks, anyone needs anything lemme know. RIP

The front and rear frame sections are bolted to the body. Subframe connectors are available for the cars.

swung by the memorial site…really sad…prayers are with the FMF crew and everyone who knew Paul

Very sad to hear, but does anyone else wonder why he was driving this in the winter?

Paul just put the camaro back on the road because he was planning on going to FL.