Car Crash in Cheektowaga

met paul over the summer, definitely seems like a cool guy. his friends and family have my condolences :frowning:




assclowning has its penalties :tdown:

RIP Paul :frowning:

I knew Paul from High School. He was a good guy. RIP :frowning:

was he drunk?

if so. meh, shitty, but i don’t really give a fuck…

if he was sober, then that really sucks. but you fuck around, you get fucked.

sucks for his family and friends either way…

he was with the vette guy (the one with the scratched up top) right?

thats a pisser. must have been going pretty fast, was he drinking?

damn if you werent hitting me up on aim i would have posted the question first.


i put the radio in that car for him a while back. good guy.


Does anyone know what happened? Sounds like the police do according to the story…

Anyway… RIP.

rip… what a shame :frowning: :tdown:

From the news, and what someone else posted over on ubrf, sounds like approximately 100 in a 35 zone, lost it, and hit a tree. What a waste of a young life and a guy who sounded like a good friend. But he could have just as easily lost it and hit a family coming home from Christmas shopping so at least his bad decisions didn’t have dire consequences for anyone but himself.

RIP… the rest of you, take it to the track.

wow, i worked with him a couple years ago at pizza hut. def. a cool kid, that sucks horribly what happened. RIP

wow Will was txting me last night telling me this happened.


he could NOT have hit that tret at 100mph …

my brother hit a pine tree exactly like the one that kid in the camaro hit, my brother was doing 45 … 50 AT MOST, ripped the tree out of the ground the same way, but the tree snapped @ the 6 foot mark also

instead of riding up the tree as a ramp, he rolled over the stump

the impact ripped his steel bumper in half in the process too

100 mph is 4 times the energy as 50 is, that camaro would have lauched off the tree like you see in the movies … or it would have torn the car literaly in 1/2

i give the accident 65mph @ most IMHO

I’ve met him a few times, and he even helped me out with my car a bunch when i still had it.

looks like the website pulled down the video

:word: :meh:

Ummm Id say at least 70 myself, Two of my firends from HS hit a tree at 70+ and there was approximately the same amount of damage to the car, even though it was smaller

This sucks so much that shit like this happens, just another reminder to play it safe out there!

Camaro is a full frame car, isnt it?