Car dealership/s are comprised of much faggotry(Rant)/Still bought from dealer

fuck your nitrous

Good talk Paul.

The only NOS I like is the energy drink. 2 for $3 at Shell in Pittsfield.

in pittsfield paul…really…

yeah, the Shell on route 20

jellies , when am i gettin the stang ? im fixin it so ya can have fun this yr in it

whenever you want it I guess. No rush.

Did you figure out the ignition issue?

im gonna get rid of the neutral safety and then ck the ign switch and see why it does that .but i need car to do that . bring it up in like 2-3 weeks . i have mine in pieces now

I really dont like the idea of not having the nss. Ive got two ignition switches and tried both with no luck. One is the original and the other is a newer aftermarket one.

Let me know when you want it and I can bring it up some weekend.

john when you get pjb’s stang, bring it by my place so we can make a sweet burnout video

I give permission for him to do that, just if it breaks he’s gotta fix it and if the tires go bald he’s gotta replace them.

-no start issue
-reverse light issue
-oil leak?
-inspection (ran out in September)

ill fix it jellies , im not beating on your car . i dont have it to fix it dude lol

well you could just give me the Camaro if you fuck my car up.

You will be fine without the safety lol My Z doesnt have one stock, and I park it in gear always.

Id just rather have it. My luck Id start it and back it into my truck or something like I did with my Elantra that I thought was in neutral. It was in reverse and rolled back into my brother’s truck.

you should not own a performance oriented vehicle of any kind if you can’t tell what gear your in.


I wouldnt call an Elantra a performance vehicle.

Anyway it wasnt a matter of moving the shifter and thinking it was in neutral, it was a matter of thinking I already put it in neutral.

