Dear internet - I dont care about the 2011 Mustang GT 5.0

Thanks for reading.

isnt that too bad! :open_mouth:

I’ve never +repped anyone with so much valor.

also plus repping when i get a chance…dumpy mustangs


You dont care so much that you make a thread about it.

JClark=Cliff?? :ahh :lol



+rep. i was following a gt convertable for about 20 min today. can’t say i care for them.

Its b/c theyre not hellaflush yo!! :lol

yo i just “hellaflushed” my toilet… huuuuuuuuge, like billy fuccillo huuuuuuge dump!


not at all…i would be wierded out if every car had flush wheels…i’ll admit i lke the fact that what i enjoy (not just with cars but life in general) is usually not crazy popular with the general population. but usually the people that are into really are into it and not just to be cool, of course everything has it’s posers.

I don’t give a dead moose’s last SHIT about the 2011 Ford Mustang GT 5.0.

+rep :rofl Touche you butthurt fanboi you!

:lol :hug

Challenger > new Mustang > new Camaro in my opinion

na new stang deff kills it with the charger and camaro in last place.

Your opinion is moot, and stupid, and dumb. :lmao