Car dealership/s are comprised of much faggotry(Rant)/Still bought from dealer

Srsly lolz.

Sorry bro lol, I thought u were comin out, then richie was sending me nudes to come over :lol

I still won’t have sex with you!! Lol

Sean comes in, “oh yea adam’s out there”

I look and see you pulling out onto central ave. :banghead

I want to see this mustang.

u better not! ur my bottom boi :hug

in for pics

where the pics of this BA ride?!?!?!

Gooogle search “white 2011 mustang GT” and BAM

lol thanks!

Lol sorry bout the pics guys, my camera is still at the parents house. Plus I’d like to have alpine take some good pics with a legit camera


I’m taking some tonight when I see you. :hug

Car doesn’t exist.

i call bs

prob bought a Cameo and put ford badges all over it. :gay

I seen dis shit wif my own too eyez

I did see a guy in a brand new camaro in traffic, he loved the thing actually. I then proceeded to see another maroon v8 cameo piloted by a female drive by and kinda lol’d inside.

dont worry, I will just smear my SS badges all over the thing tonight

…still waiting for pics.