its also 50+k
2007 gt500 FTW. can be had for decent price and has the same motor.
its also 50+k
2007 gt500 FTW. can be had for decent price and has the same motor.
2007 gt500-2009 are ugly as fuck compared to the loaded gt he was looking at. And hes gonna be getting new(with warranty) versus a beat on 5 year Old car(out of warranty). 2010-2011 is a different story, but way out of his price range.
Gt500 is another car like the z06, seem like they are all over the place. Like ive said before, ive Only seen one new gt on the road and at max 3 or 4 at a dealership.
You’re debating buying something over $20 a month? Seems like it’s more than the price that’s bothering you.
This guys onto something:ponder
suck it up, swallow your ford pride and just man up and get a c6 z06. Better choice over the GT500 and 5.0 anyways.
Thats going to cost him significantly more then a new mustang gt and the financing is going to be harder to get
sometimes you just need to make sacrifices to get twice the car!!
this thread is dumpy…
and if this is over rarity of vehicles, seeing as ppl think theirs alot of z06s and gt500s everywhere…its because the cars are older and SOMEWHAT affordable. ofcourse thiers no new 5.0s out cause they a new…wait a few years or even a few months and every1 will be saying ugh 5.0s are evvverywhere. also its still shitty ass weather out so ppl who have em probly arent driving em much. hate to be a dick but thiers more mustang whatevers on the road. be smart save $ and get a used gt500 with some bs dealer warante. u say with a TUNE the gt500 and new 5.0 run the same…welllll that means u have to tune the 5.0 and with the gt500 you can put a pully on it. just sayn…
go buy a car then post it up adamnit!
If it was me, I’d probably buy the used GT500, depreciation has already set in.
and it has Shelbys name on it! dude is on his third heart!!!
this if its in your price range…
Gt500’s and z06s are great dailys.
Camaros are just as new and they are all
over the place. Buying a z06 or gt500 for a
daily is fucking retarded.
I don’t even wanna get into this. Just go buy a car you can drive everyday and not worry about.
This. <3 MPGz
yea but he doesnt wana camio for good reason lol n hes already got a brandy new focus…so thats already done. their is zero diofference between drivining a 5.0 and gt 500 daily. plus this is adam, he dov his mach1 wuth fucking dragradials thru the snow so you dont know what your getting into sbarsilly! a z06 as a daily, meh not so much but why not lol. cant be worse then the mch on on DR’s in a snow/sleet storm
bottom line, you can drive anything daily…a n y t h i n g…its all personal preference, how anal you are and what you do and dont care about, look at my dumbass i have 10+ yr old dumpy fireburd and camio, which can be driven year round, but they dont see rain let alone hose water!
if it “not a good daily” adam will prove us all so wrong:rofl