car deposit... refundable?

i put a deposit on a car on rhode island that i was planning to buy, during this time some of the numbers have changed and once i did the math for the car, thinking it was much cheaper then buying it locally it turns out its not.
they fedexed me all the paperwork, held the car for me.
after all this I’m not interested in that specific deal since i found it a better price somewhere else
called and tried to get my deposit back, said that it was no refundable and that if i didn’t purchase the car he would keep my deposit on the car.
when i spoke with the saleswoman on the phone, she told me it was refundable along as the runners were not sent to meet me halfway, now talking to the sales manager he claims that she told me that it was non refundable and that he was with her when she told me on the phone.

wondering if i have any reverb against this? i never received any receipt or anything for the deposit, no paper work saying it was non refundable, just verbal he said/she said stuff over the phone

ask for a pricematch?

I would say no.

Good luck though.

yes and no, the only way you are going to get it back is to either take them to court for it, or possibly they will by just mentioning it…i’d say you probably lost out on that one though

Typically they’re not refundable, but this dealership is playing some games with the financing that Mike hasn’t included in his post.

Call you bank and ask if they can do a charge-back. But explain to them the situation.

Eh, nothing in writing means you’ll probably never see it. They’re just bitter because you backed out. You could contact a lawyer but I don’t think you’ll get anywhere with it. I think it’s just up to the dealer whether they refund deposits or not. Always ask first, and I guess get it in writing as well. I hope it wasn’t too big of a deposit

I’d check into that reverb first. Sounds funky.

Yeah, with nothing it writing not a chance :confused:

I’ve gotten a deposit back on a car before but that was at a dealership with paperwork stating it was refundable.

Cancel the check?
Argue the charges with bank/credit card company?

In Pennsylvania it’s illegal to keep a deposit on a vehicle unless it’s in writing that the deposits not refundable

Write to the Attorney Generals office both here, and in Rhode Island…no need for a lawyer, and only costs you the time to write a letter explaining the situation.

Not sure how it will play out. Best of luck though.

you gave them money with no paperwork to prove it?!?!?!

cmon baby bueme…

Call your credit card company and dispute the charge. Easy fix. I see this on a daily basis. Just explain to your bank/credit card what happened and they will gladly get you your money back. Or just threaten/ actually have your lawyer call them. They have no way to hold your deposit since you never signed anything and they didn’t order anything specific for you.

^ Interesting…

Good plan. Rob would also certainly know first hand. Id try asking for a price match first though.

“Can you do a little better on the price then? I found a similar vehicle locally for XXX and I’d really not have to bring this to getting a lawyer or something silly over a few hundred bucks. I know money is tight for everyone these days so I would really appreciate it if you would help me out to make this a positive turn out for both of us”

^I think you mean “Fuck you pay me. Back.”

You cannot get your lawyer involved because YOU BACKED OUT NOT THEM. If you gave them a deposit for a PRICE IN WRITING and you CHANGED YOUR MIND AFTERWARD IT IS YOUR FAULT. If they HAVE NOT changed the price then YOU’RE FUCKED.

And if you try to pull some shit, im sure they can come after you.

How much of a deposit was it? If the car locally is a better deal even still then chalk it up as an “im an idiot” loss and move on. Or ask them to price match. (even though you put a deposit on an agreed price)

I have a few ideas out of this. And a few other thoughts, I’m making some phone calls and I’ll get back yo you guys asap with a result. I’ll also explain the entire situation from start once I get home and am not on my phone

He had nothing in writing at the time of the deposit. Re-read the thread.

Mike should fill in more info later but he made a deposit over the phone.

They also tried telling him afterwords that the deposit was for “the deal” and not the actual car.