Car Fan Won't shut off

I dunno if this is even relevant or not, but try checking the coolant temperature sensor. I had to replace one of these on my Porsce 944 when i had it, and i traced the problem to this after my battery died like 4 times. basically, the fan in the car would normally stay on for like 5 min after u shut the car of, then jsut shut off. well, when the sensor went bad, it just ran and ran. so, long story short, for 2 weeks (cuz its a Porsche, and i had to wait for parts), i had to disconnect my battery everytime i got out of the car- yeah that looks REAL classy when u roll up in your fucking Porsche, park, then pop the hood and start wrenching in it to disconnect the battery.

Like i said, this may be irrelevant cuz that was a Porsche…and this is an Escort, but try checking it out, what have u got to lose?