Car For Sale Threads

I don’t know about anyone else around here, but recently i notice that car FS section has lots of cars for sale with very little detail. I think that the mods need to make people putting their cars up for sale a little more detailed. An example of this is

There is little to know information about the car. Colour, e etested, certified, what its lowered on etc etc. I’m constantly looking at the car fs thread looking for a new s13 and theres alot of these really annoying posts.

No matter what, people should have to list details about their cars. Just broadly saying what it has with no detail is BS and it needs to be dealt with. Just for example he says the car is lowered. well what is it lowered on? Springs/shocks? springs/kyb agx shocks? coilovers etc etc the list goes one. Im sure there are more people who slightly get frustrated with this. There are always posts in people fs threads that ask all of these questions. Someone should make a dumby post that they can copy and paste and list the details



this is soo true it aso helps if they have pictures or atleast someway of looking at a car