There are posts all over the cars wanted to buy section that need to get deleted immediately. There are dozens of cars for sale on this site, and people are making threads like:

“wtb 240sx in good shape.”


details people. Seriously. These people need to take the time and look for 10 seconds to see a car that fits there description.

Mods, please do something about this, reading there thread makes me want to throw up.

found this one in 5 seconds on the first page. Their are countless more but I thought you could use an example.

what is your deal mother fucker? people clearly want a beater and dont care about specific details…? deal with you unless you are selling an over priced 240 LOL

You call things like price and 5sp vs auto specific? Your a very simple man…

hmm well i dont think there is anyone on this board who wants an auto lol

your a fucking homo for whining about this.
not your forum. shouldnt be your problem, its a little bit disorganized but it dosnt give you a reason to cry about it

need a tissue?

ok guys i obviously looked through the for sale threads and no 240sx that i was interested in so i put up my thread i have had no feedback ecxept for someone buying my cressida but thats it and so what if i have a thread up that is useless to you guys dont look at it then this is the exact reason i hate this forums board becuz a select few i actually like on it everyone else is just a big fucking homos who whines about everything im gonna be glad to goto the next son meet to see if everyone is so big up on there words there fucking internet thugs just raggin on threads becuz they have nothing better to do

Stop whining, not everyone wants a spotless 240…
Theres normally a budget thrown in because they want the car as a beater, what does that matter to you? If you dont like the post congradulations, you dont have to make another USELESS thread about it.
Your no better than the people you seem to care so much about.

I do feel that car WTB threads are a waste myself. If you WTB a car, you look in the FS section and pick one. If there isn’t one there, creating a WTB won’t magically spawn one out of nowhere.

exactly, and if somone posts, looking for a 240 with sr or s13 with low k, if somone thinks they can make money off you, they might post and say they have one to check the interest, so the wtb is really setting your self up to over pay… really its a simple concept, the wtb car section should be or a specific car with all the details.