Please include pictures in FS threads

To everyone putting up a FS thread.

Please post pictures, its hard enough trying to find a certain part and so on for your car so Post pictures. Not only will your stuff get sold faster by this it will ease the buyers by being able to see what they are buying.


And to add to this, don’t make an FS thread and then put in the message “Will post pics later”

Just post the pics and thread at the same time.

I have to agree. Although I am guitly on both accounts, lol.

I personally think it should be mandatory for making FS threads. At least one pic. If there is no pic it should be deleted. Just mt opinion.


i could care less if there are pics

bs bitching

yeah man your also guilty of not responding to pm’s when serious buyers actually want to buy something. ie; the spacers you had.

^Take that up with vbulletin then. Sometimes when I have new PM’s it doesn’t show it up top. IF I have nothing new I don’t check them.

pics shouldnt have to be done… maybe some ppl dont have the proper camera or just not computer savy in that way!! I ask for pics sure, but if there is none im not going to cry about it!!.. i know the most important pics needed is underbody pics when it comes to selling a 240

pain in the ass to drive more than an hour to find that a car is rotted and people tried to hide it by omitting the details in FS thread. Pics don’t lie, and can save you a lot of time.




I get turned off from a thread when i see… “email for pics”.
Just goes to show that if there really was thought put into the sale, and the seller wanted the sale to go right in the first place; they would put more thought and care into the ad.

Look at marks (.white240.) thread.
Even though hes not selling a car, every part is pictured.
I mean you can get those guys who just want to buy something because its cool, or maybe have no clue what your talking about, yet realize it when seeing a picture…

so…PICS or GTFO, 'tis what i think =]

its the 21 centurty who DOESNT have a camera these days!!!
and if you dont go and buy one!!! they can be had for $20 at XScargo!!
quit being so poor!



what? lol.

FS 90 240 hatch.


1 000.

Ya ur right…fuck pictures. Pictures are for pussies. I’ll take his word for it. After all, it is SON, if its “mint” to a son member, its SUPER UBER mint to any other person…

lol this is going to end up in drama isnt it .
but i do agree with the mass i try to post pics whenever possible
better for the buyer to know what they are getting before they drive out.

i just find it annoying when people are selling wheels or front lips or bumpers and dont post pics how am i gonna know what it looks like. Its not manditory but if your posting cosmetic parts or any parts inperticular post pics

posting pics is will help your sale but at the end of the day if you dont post pics its only going to hurt the seller IMO

another thing why do people insist on flooding the board with 15 separate for sale threads posted on the same day. can we not combine stuff a little so my post doesnt end up on the 5th page after one day
end rant

im starting to get tired of your quote…i was doin a 5-lug conversion anywayz

here is a perfect example of who needs pics^

4 brembo rotors BNIB oooh ahhh…

nice pics good effort bing, but come on