car is totaled (new to pittspeed)

Hi my name is austin. i am new to pittspeed. my friends let me know about the site because i am looking for a civic Eg. i recently totaled my 94 civic dx. a van full of chineese people with out green cards ran a light and slammed into me doin 50mph. now im just looking for a Eg that i can work on.

Welcome local guy


… Even the Chinese are trying to rid the world of civics

What up Austin? The car was rusted apart anyway, time for something else. I got a niiiiiiiiiccee BMW for ya when you’re ready.



Welcome might have a mid to late 90’s caviler 2door soon

i can probably find you one down here in florida that will be rust free.




sounds like you owe a van full of chinese people a huge thanks for ridding the world of that piece of shit you called a car, and perhaps saving you of what little dignity you have left.

welcome to pittspeed ass hole


welcome :beer:

Welcome ![ it.jpg]( it.jpg)

haha that’s funny, but i don’t really have any thing against civics. Just not a Honda fan


any pics of it after the crash

The old gearheads( from way back) would run you outta town for thinking import. Glad to see ya.

The wrecked car’s been gone for a long time, he got a new one already.