this is a friend of mines 89 civic (well was his car) from back home williamsport he was driving threw a intersection when a truck ran a red light and T-boned him

glad to hear he is okay
yeah he’s allright just got some cuts and bruises
and thats why i drive full frame cars
one less civic on the road
pink one at that!
wow your buddy is very lucky
glad to hear he is ok tho.
Glad to hear he’s fine.
From the front view it kind of looks like it’s in the middle of transforming.
it was actually like a creamsicle orange the paint was faded
that’ll buff right out
wow your buddy is very lucky. Cars can be replaced being able to walk away cant.
Daaammmmnnnn (in Chris Tucker voice)
wow it blew the wheels right off!!
Glad to hear he’s okay, this is why my wife never wanted to ride in my old civic hatch or del sol… (especially once lowered)
[QUOTE=foz;603612]wow it blew the wheels right off!!QUOTE]
yeah wouldn’t that be something. he took what he could salvage off of it cause he bought another one for 250 bucks
What kind of truck hit him? An S-10?
All jokes aside, glad your friend is alright.