Car mountable camera question

I think some of you guys already have one, but I’m looking for some info.

We are doing a few cruises in the next few months and I want to be able to video tape it using a remote mounted camera on my car.

I have a digital video camera already, but I am trying to find a remote camera that will send the feed to the camera.

Any links or info you guys can provide, :tup:

The only company that I have found is:

Anyone else?

$275 for analog NTSC? Ouch.

edit I would have to go with this one

edit again Found a real cheap one but not as high res(I may get one of these just for the hell of it)

You need an Archos Gen 5 player for the last one. :frowning:

Great, now will be cluttered with boring videos of the inside of your garage. just great…atleast turn on the tv in the garage so we have something interesting to watch. :lol:

Next time I see you, I’m kicking you square in the nuts :slight_smile:

I’ll put it at the back of my car so I can watch you fade in the distance.

If I’m fading in the distance, that means you probably had the camera mounted backwards. lol
Up to 100 miles on my car…how many on yours? lol

Blah blah… got some wiring to take care of. Probably will have it started back up and tuned sunday night if all goes well.

at this point… just get a small camera that does video for a couple bills and call it a day… no need to get too fancy.

You could always just mount your dvcam and take the video with it.


If you’re just looking for cruise vids & such, just KISS.

If you’re trying to make a retail highlight vid… then I could see going with a nice hardwired (removable) system, etc etc…

i would still like to check out one of these and see how good it is.
but its a pricy. shockproof unit.

I already have one of these but the vid quality is to be expected for such a small camera. its just a sony 1/4ccd camera that connects to a HDD/battery pack. the low light recording was suprisingly good. but the “bullet” itself lacks a 1/4" standard tripod thread. so it has to be Taped/strapped to wherever its mounted. I have a tripod mount on the rear deck of my car already.

Oh that would be sick.

:lol: Oh man. :smiley:

Anyway, SoloIIScoob had some pretty jazz camera mounts and such, he might know of places to look at.