Camera mount for 1990 s13 hatchback

Alright, i was bored today, and i came up with a simple way to mount a camera in a hatch (without normal headrests)

  1. Pop out a plug in your seat and insert screw
  2. find some drilled metal that is about 4’-5’ long Thats from a garage door.
    Slide metal piece over Bolt, put on locking washer, and nut, Snug back end of bar against the back seat, take your camera mount it infront of the seat, put the bolt threw the metal, into camera, wrap with bundjy cord. I suggest putting some thing between the metal and the end of the screw (on the bottem part not the camera side) to keep it from bouncing.

Vid here I had nothing to keep the screw holding the camera steady so its a little bouncy, once i fix that i will put up pictures.

that video was soo choppy it reminded me of playing cs on 56k & a Rage video card.

Yeah i loaded it as crap quality so i have some room left on my HD

The angle of the cam is set up just nicely though…

I made two a few years back for my NX

External camera though…

First Gen:

Second Gen:

It’s what happens when geeks get bored…

dude thats just fucking cool. Looks like a hell of alot of work though (especially the front one).

What was it like driving around with that thing attached?

Heres the one that Gautam (aka Gonad) made.

Front one was easy, it was a bike rack, we just took some wood (which you can see) and a couple pipes and tied it all together so the camera would stay.
That’s all the modding it required…

The side mount I made out of aluminum square tubing and angle stuff.
That was all custom except for the actual camera mount, we stole that from a broken tripod (it was used in the first carcam as well)

Driving around with the camera was exactly the same as without…
One problem though was our recording gear inside the car wasn’t really meant for that stuff… the camera itself was an OLD (early 80s) tube camera that required a seperate tape deck…

The one it came with was broken so we found the pin-outs for the original and made our own cable and hacked it together to work with a normal VCR.

I love a good hack job.

The hatchbacks cant use that, since we have a one piece seat, The head rest is not removeable or adjustable :S

I could make that work this way is just easyer.

anyways, this is what it looks like, very easy, very cheap, good quality vid, (the vid that i posted sucks because crappy upload and somthings messed with the host)



The back seat,

Looks getto but it works well, There are bunjys on the back holding the end so it dosnt move at all but it was to hot to put them on.

Takes all of 5 min.

  • all 89-90 s13’s have one piece seat, all 91-93 (+94convertible) have a two piece seat.

Thats what i thought, Thanks for clearing that up.

haha YES!!! ditto… except the first thought that came to my mind was Quake III: Weapons Factory, on a 56k with a Riva TNT2 hahahaha!! awww the good ol days when I had times for such things…

nice soccer game at the end… who won?

What name do you use on CS?
Do you play CS:S ?


Dude, I wouldn’t be caught with that crazy ass mount. Not to mention it
looks dangerous and doesn’t leave roon for a passenger. :o

Put some effort and you can easily make a mount with some Home Depot
parts for rather cheap. Even if your seat doesnt have a removable headrest.

So far looking at all the mounts here, clearly Mine > * :rofl:

Psshaa You wish! :twisted: 8)


Psshaa You wish! :twisted: 8)[/quote]

Can’t exactly be in ‘stealth’ mode with your rig. :rofl:

But then again, people might think you’re some big shot film director
making a movie. But then they see the NX and go :hsugh:

Mine was built to “work” not be Stealth.
What kind of illegal activity would you be recording on film for you future prosecution that would require ‘stealth’? :wink:


Mine was built to “work” not be Stealth.
What kind of illegal activity would you be recording on film for you future prosecution that would require ‘stealth’? ;)[/quote]

You have the legal permits to have something like that sticking on your
hood/door while driving on our roads?

Don’t need `em :smiley:
Go read the HTA.

No need to get all defensive about your carcam thing gonad, you’re still special!

Not getting defensive. Just making a point that mine is safer. :wiggle:

I love you too. :grouphug: