DIY: 30 second in car camera mount

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this i must say is my finest craftsmanship ever …

notice the b-pillar duct tape, its a single real seatbelt, so we just pulled it tight and taped the belt to the pillar to hold it “locked” then taped the tripod to the seat and seatbelt to keep it steady

1 tripod leg is on either side of the seat near the seatbelt pints, the 3rd leg is fully extended the belt / tape is pinning it against the front edge of the seat

Dude, please just buy a bogen mount, or some ratchet straps and anchor points on your rear floor before you hurt yourself when the camera comes loose.

next year the car gets a real mount. only used this setup for one run … and i made damn sure it was in ther incredibly tight … hell, it was held in there tighter then i was !

I was really hoping for A DIY on this.

Such incredible work that I want to try and replicate

pm lafengas, i sold him the production rights :lol:

same answer as when you sent me the production rights for your frame mounted turbo… sorry.