Car rental under 25.


Working on planning a trip at the end of sept.

Easier to fly and keep miles off my car.

Some places wanna charge me an extra $25 a day because I’m not 25.

Yup, and they won’t rent you a SUV/Large size car either.

Apparently I can go to war, vote, drink, buy a new car, buy a house, own 15 cars, but I can’t rent an SUV or Large car.


i had a car from enterprise when i was 24 with no extra fee

Ya they double the price per day typically. Its a pretty dumb law esp since you carry your own insurance and responsible for damages.

My company setup a corporate ID with Enterprise that I can use and they waive the fee for being under 25 and I am allowed to use it for Personal and Business travel which is nice since it costs them nothing.

It isn’t a LAW it is corporate policies that they all follow. They assume younger people are less responsible.

Rental FYI:

Where are you going? It certainly isn’t the law, it’s just the policy of most places. Try calling dealers in the area you are going and see if anyone just doens’t do it. Or you could just bargain with one of them to have them waive it. If you really don’t want to pay it, you can get out of it.

Try Hertz, They usually run specials on waiving the fee for underage. Both myself and another employee had gone down to Tx for work and didnt have to pay it

Texas sucks for renting cars. There is that separate tax on them every time I have been down there this year of like 5% or something.

Honestly I have never even looked since I was being reimbursed for it.

Hertz Local Editions don’t charge the fee, but you have to call them to book the rental cars

EDIT: By them I mean the actual office.

wtf is this shit charles?

I just remember having to hit OK on the damn credit card thing every month I am down there and reading the 5% tax thing.

i had to do that last year even though i was turning 25 in a month at the time. i still paid the extra…but instead of paying the extra fee for being under 25, she said i can pay the insurance instead…so i did

Does insurance cover shifting from 5th into 2nd?

Get out of my head charles!!!

Post h20 flying to florida!

I love how if I were to tell someone “I skunkaped” or “I pulled a skunkape”
They would either think I money shifted OR engaged in homosexual activity…

I know AVIS rents to under 25 w/o a charge (at least they used to). When I used to travel for work when I was younger they were who I always rented with and never got any extra charges.

Yea it sucks, I’m currently having some work down to my caddy that will take 2 weeks, but it’s twice as much to rent a car since I’m only 23, I can be married, have kids, own a house, gamble, own land, drink a beer, etc… but can’t rent a car for a normal price, hahahaha

So instead I’m having my wife and mom cart me around, It feels like I’m in middle school again :tup:

You can just put the car in your moms name when and have her there when you pick it up.

:word: I thought about it, but since my wife doesn’t work. Most of the time it’s no big deal :gotme: