Car Season 2012

I don’t remember it being a fleet vehicle either . Larry don’t buy those and normally there stripped trucks that are fleets .

might be Fleet bank? Maybe the loan was thru there and it got repoed? No clue really but the purchase date and title date are right

No , fleet mngt is who oversees Fords program cars


Yeah that’s right, it’s all fun and games until a guy try’s giving you a massage.

Should of just let him , know for sure if ya did !!!

you’re truck is old PJB

6 years old, so what? Probably newer than half the cars on this site and probably has more hp too.

Who the fuck are you and what the fuck do you drive anyway?

go at him, bro

With wedding expenses and possible huge career change in the near future I don’t know when my car will be back out. It needs some engine work before I start driving it again. But I do get to pick up a clean 88 GTA shell with future father in law this weekend. Its getting a big block and TH400. Should be a blast to drive.

Probably April, few things to button up then we’re gooood to go.

My car will not be completed yet again.

I just change my tires with the seasons so the Evo and I are ready to meet up with you guys.

as soon as my truck is streetable its coming out. and i drive ny 3kgt everday its just a mitsu

Won’t be out this year, but I plan to do something rather then just open the garage door and stare at it for 10 minutes like I have for the past couple years :rofl

been driving around…havent seen anybody.

I drive mine every day! Don’t have much of a choice though

I just winterized mine. I wont be out this season.


Took the civic for a spin the other day. Did a monster burnout with it. Lol