Car Season 2012

motor seized up today broski.

I think you’d be a bit more livid if you did that.

he is a man of few words, but many emotions.

sorry to hear drew. def a bummer.

I think he said that a few months ago and he was full of shit then

sorry to hear about your motor paul. def a bummer

Sorry to hear about your Terminator Jeff…its a shame man.

i know. i hope ill be able to pick up the peices and start over. its been a rough time

6.2 swap, do it

If you need emotional support, PJB is here for you.

ford or chevy?

he’s my friend, always will be

Ford for the Cobra. I forgot GM had a 6.2 when I posted that.

its ok. i still dont know what direction im gonna go in tho. i was thinking about an ecoboost actually

Im going Cummins diesel if it fits. If it doesnt Im breaking out a torch and making it fit

Wayne, did you hack PJB’s shift account?


I was making shit up tho lol. She is still alive, well and kicken.

Can’t wait to blow CorEy’s doors off.

Cant wait to ride is ppls passanger seat, again.

i hope joe jiggs gets another civic

mine will be open just for you. i might be getting some recaros or corbeaus for the front seats…ill make sure to order 2 wide versions lol