Car Show at Tafts?

Passed by a huge banner at Tafts on central for a car show on the 15th. Anyone know anything about it/ going to it?

I was there yesterday with to buy a head board. I didnt see anything. You think itll be nice cars?

i think it was being held by the firehouse and they are gonna use the taft lot.

I remember the firehouse having some really good car shows 10+ years ago

Yeah i think its the firehouse’s show, but if they’re using the taft lot I think it’ll be good, maybe somewhat like Guptills? I’ll definitely stop by and take some pics!

I have a bunch of pictures from an old “Poorboyz” show at the firehouse. Had to be 8-10 years ago

I remember that show.

So tomorrow? Is anyone gonna go?

Any more info on this show?

Custom Car Show
August 15, 2010
Taft Furniture Parking Lot
1960 Central Ave., Albany, NY

Thats all I could find on it.

Poo Im gonna be in Platsburg

Thats mimmo and tony gigs car group lol

I remember the black mustang they had that sounded like a monster. I can’t remember if it was a turbo or s/c setup, I didn’t know shit at the time other then it sounded nasty

no. not at all. poorboyz does not exist any more.

and the taft show was good last year but it was 100 degrees and me and bill decided to drag a cooler from price chopper there, bad idea.

elaborate PLZ

Stopping by around 1 or 2, why not

Me and my buddy might go. Y not

Anyone know the what time it starts and runs to?

Got to work in the am, but want to make sure I can still catch it.

Pics of 64SS?

Soooooo anyone going?