Car storage V. Heated floors good or bad?

I have found a spot to keep my car when ever I want, security alarm there good price ect… but it has heated floors. Is that a god thing or a bad thing for my car? I know its a dumb question. just wondering for an opions

Your tires will melt. DON’T DO IT!!!

Probably not bad, won’t get THAT hot, and its nice to keep a car in a heated place

good thing.

in floor heating is the most efficient form of heating, not that you’re paying the bill so who cares.

as far as storing your car, in floor > forced air blowing shit all over the place (dust et al).

My old bmw was stored in a heated garage its whole life.

It was in great shape. I’d do it.


heated concrete pads will barely get warm to the touch in my experience. They only need to heat to ~60-70 or so (or whatever you set it to) to keep the garage warm / workable / etc.

In any case, heated garage > unheated ALWAYS.

I’d say go for it. I don’t see how it could hurt the car.

Why would heated floors cause any issues??

You realize how hot black top gets in summer? lol

Yes, but dosen’t heat speed up slat rusting? there is no rust on the car, nor will there bill. but I wasnt sure if anything else would be a problem

any well set up heated garage has some type of ventilation or way to get rid of moisture which, if the floors are heated, and concrete, the heat will mask any moisture (sweating) of the concrete mentioned. therefore it is the best IMO