car wash pass

you must me new. i worked there like 6 years ago… and cars got wrecked alot.

Has to be new, he was working at good 'ole Goodyear before.

lets see 6 years agoo hahahaha. its prolly diffrent now hate to tell you.

idk about that, I talked to someone at the huge Latham one and they said they wrote out about 5 accident reports a day.

Thats not true cause cars get fucked up in that shit hole wash all the time. I worked there for almost 3 years so I have seen the damage that place causes

highly doubt it. same idiot manager, same idiot highschool kids working there…

dude your a dick all you always have to say is fucking idiot highschool kids. thats all you always say.


shift518 search of “idiot highschool kids” returned only three posts and none of them were outside this thread… :haha

ooo burned.

You cry baby bitch

no he just always has some smart ass comment to say. :asshole

the hoffmans car wash here in latham has all the highschool goblins working… everytime they are out drying the cars i always ethier lay on the horn or floor it by them. always! they do so-so jobs. the best part is the lemon scented air fresherners they spary on the carpet.

we have a winner

:rofl I came as soon as I heard the waaaambulence.

was it the hoffmans or jiffy lube where the kid took the mustang for a joy ride and totaled it? I can’t remember which one

haha. do tell the story.

There’s plenty of stories about the Colonie Hoffman’s car wash. I remember hearing about one instance where a huge ass fishing lure got caught in of those brushes and did a number on a few cars.

I’ll have to ask my boss, but I know it either happened at a hoffmans of a jiffy lube. All I know is some kid who didn’t even have a licence took a customer’s car out for a joy ride and totaled it. Oh yea and someone also attempted to back out a van with handicap controls on it and backed into an employee and sent em flyin 8ft

They hire straight retards half the time. I remember they had some dumb ass kid from schenectady or some thing and he left a truck in drive down the track…it took out 4 other cars