There are some priceless stories from that hell hole
did you have people floor it by the wash?
i remember the idiot that put the car in park on the track, and broke the track. smart people
broke the track, haha. The track breaks ALL THE TIME at the Delmar one
HAHAHA I always honk at them everytime I drive by. They always look up with that “durr” look on their face.
+1 what Pete said, the one in Latham, I always goose it past there. :rofl
Oh and the “joy ride” story…Some dumbass took his new Mustang(either a GT or a Shelby) and the kid working was like “oh man nice car, wish I had one” and the retard owner was like “Go ahead take it for a rip around the lot” and the kid floored it and hit a wall or curb or something. I forgot who told me the story but that’s how it went.
Someone else told me a story the other day how they put the car on the track, got out, forgot to put it in neutral(slapped it into drive instead on accident) and the car pushed like 3 cars in front of it on the tracks :rofl
Yea heard horror stories also bout the old guy that doesnt drive to wok,he rides his bike.Heard he fucked up a boxer like a year or two ago …
lmfao… I know exactly who you are referring to. He used to come into Rite Aid all the time back when I worked there and buy beer. He even had his Hoffmans coat on too. He would ask for a double bag, then eh would put the bag with the beer on his handlebars and ride away. :rofl
Sounds like it
there’s the actual Mustang story. The guy took it off the property and totaled it.
What idiots. First off, why would you ever take a new car to Jiffy Lube for a “check-up”? Why not go to the Ford dealership you got it from. :nuts :idiots
what’s funny is when I get people in and check the mileage, we’ve had some people come in with more than 7k miles since their last oil change :eek
It just goes to show you how stupid people really are.
He said he adjusted the tire pressure and wanted to see how it affected the ride
If someone said that to me I can’t even begin to describe how I would go off on them.
“This is a lot about nothing,” Hoffman said. “Why doesn’t the customer contact his insurance company, and if his insurance company feels we were in the wrong, they can deal with
our insurance company,” Hoffman said. The police report, which Hoffman hadn’t seen when I first spoke to him EdwarSAIDds was “Test-driving a customer vehicle from the Jiffy Lube.”
Wow. Even the owner is a tool. A lot about nothing? It’s a lot about how your idiotic employees damaged a brand new car. Douchebag.
Edit seems like the accident happened while the car was NOT getting worked on. He let the kid drive it because he wanted to get a Mustang too. In that case, that’s the stupid ass owner’s fault. I believe that… after all, he did take his brand new car to JIFFY LUFE for a “check up”. That statement is worth a thousand words. Watch the video, the guy can’t even say his own name without studdering. :lol:
Anyone with a beater want to go to this place and act dumb? I need a good laugh.
dude Pete(30r_logik) is king at acting dumb to people…I’ll volunteer the Accord to watch that :rofl
OMG. He really is too.
Let’s do it! :banana I’ll video tape it as well. I’ll tell the people at Jiffy Lube it’s for a class project or something.
ahaha i gotta see this
HAHAHA my buddy Josh is best friends with that Jeremy kid that crashed the Mustang :lmao
he was going to be on pinks… which means he has to know something about cars, he cant spend the 20 todo it himself?
No you don’t tell them it’s for anything, you just go in and do it :lmao :rofl acting like it’s completely normal