Carlisle Performance and Style - May 4-6

ok so your saying your going to work at wally world then :bigthumb:

back on topic.

I kinda do/don’t wanna go. It’s like some times are fun, other times I wanna smack a wigger. Ya know what I mean?

I’m worried of Ricers… and idiots fulling around causing cops to think everyone is like that abd giving loads of tickets

thats because most of the bad ass punks who attend the show have no respect for anyone, hence the heavy ticketing and inherit hate for police. If they weren’t so stupid, you could prob drink anytime/anywhere like back in the day. Now they’re so tight on security at the fairgrounds, all the drinking at the hotels results in fights and cops getting jumped. And thats beat.

yeah i agree thats why sometimes i dont think its even worth the trip cause the cops will nail you for doing anything wrong when back in the day they didnt care as much

every year you dont know if it will be the last year that have the show or not cause of all the stupid ass punks who think its so cool to start fights and destroy shit

i have gone for like 5 years now… never had a problem! Just got to make sure you don’t get caught goofing off!

ive gone for like 5 years i just dont want to get caught jagging off drunk cause that would suck

but i havent yet and hell ive gone with you every year

the best was the corona and waffle special the year in harrisburg and then you lost my bouncy ball i wanted to kill you

it was for the good of the team… shhh! coronas are supposed to be drank at breakfast!

im in

i wish i could go but thats the day of my commencements… so no show for me…

Whitey…what hotel are you at?

quality inn… right by the waffle house

Mayhem. haha. Our whole group is there. I think we have 6 rooms.

oh shit… who is going to control spangler?

Get him blasted to lower his inhibitions…I mean, his energy level.

if that only worked! I need to get horse tranquilizers!


We should have 5 or 6 cars attending. We’re staying at the holiday inn!! We should be in carlisle around 7 or 8 friday night. Is everybody on here trying to meet up somewhere?

We could. After party mayhem.

yeah I’m going up with Chip obviously haha, from the sounds of it the show seems like a lot of fun. Hopefully the weather will be on our side all weekend…If not, nothing a little partyin won’t fix :beer: